2013Detect SquaresMedium
2014Longest Subsequence Repeated k TimesHard
2016Maximum Difference Between Increasing ElementsEasy
2017Grid GameMedium
2018Check if Word Can Be Placed In CrosswordMedium
2019The Score of Students Solving Math ExpressionHard
2022Convert 1D Array Into 2D ArrayEasy
2023Number of Pairs of Strings With Concatenation Equal to TargetMedium
2024Maximize the Confusion of an ExamMedium
2025Maximum Number of Ways to Partition an ArrayHard
2027Minimum Moves to Convert StringEasy
2028Find Missing ObservationsMedium
2029Stone Game IXMedium
2030Smallest K-Length Subsequence With Occurrences of a LetterHard
2032Two Out of ThreeEasy
2033Minimum Operations to Make a Uni-Value GridMedium
2034Stock Price FluctuationMedium
2035Partition Array Into Two Arrays to Minimize Sum DifferenceHard
2037Minimum Number of Moves to Seat EveryoneEasy
2038Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same ColorMedium
2039The Time When the Network Becomes IdleMedium
2040Kth Smallest Product of Two Sorted ArraysHard
2042Check if Numbers Are Ascending in a SentenceEasy
2043Simple Bank SystemMedium
2044Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR SubsetsMedium
2045Second Minimum Time to Reach DestinationHard
2047Number of Valid Words in a SentenceEasy
2048Next Greater Numerically Balanced NumberMedium
2049Count Nodes With the Highest ScoreMedium
2050Parallel Courses IIIHard