207Course ScheduleMedium
310Minimum Height TreesMedium
329Longest Increasing Path in a MatrixHard
802Find Eventual Safe StatesMedium
851Loud and RichMedium
913Cat and MouseHard
1203Sort Items by Groups Respecting DependenciesHard
1462Course Schedule IVMedium
1591Strange Printer IIHard
1632Rank Transform of a MatrixHard
1719Number Of Ways To Reconstruct A TreeHard
1728Cat and Mouse IIHard
1786Number of Restricted Paths From First to Last NodeMedium
1857Largest Color Value in a Directed GraphHard
1916Count Ways to Build Rooms in an Ant ColonyHard
1976Number of Ways to Arrive at DestinationMedium
2050Parallel Courses IIIHard
2115Find All Possible Recipes from Given SuppliesMedium
2127Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a MeetingHard
2192All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic GraphMedium
2246Longest Path With Different Adjacent CharactersHard
2328Number of Increasing Paths in a GridHard
2360Longest Cycle in a GraphHard
2392Build a Matrix With ConditionsHard
2603Collect Coins in a TreeHard