225Implement Stack using QueuesEasy
232Implement Queue using StacksEasy
239Sliding Window MaximumHard
341Flatten Nested List IteratorMedium
387First Unique Character in a StringEasy
622Design Circular QueueMedium
641Design Circular DequeMedium
649Dota2 SenateMedium
862Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least KHard
918Maximum Sum Circular SubarrayMedium
933Number of Recent CallsEasy
936Stamping The SequenceHard
950Reveal Cards In Increasing OrderMedium
995Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit FlipsHard
1352Product of the Last K NumbersMedium
1425Constrained Subsequence SumHard
1438Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to LimitMedium
1499Max Value of EquationHard
1670Design Front Middle Back QueueMedium
1687Delivering Boxes from Storage to PortsHard
1696Jump Game VIMedium
1700Number of Students Unable to Eat LunchEasy
1823Find the Winner of the Circular GameMedium
1825Finding MK AverageHard
2071Maximum Number of Tasks You Can AssignHard
2073Time Needed to Buy TicketsEasy
2327Number of People Aware of a SecretMedium
2398Maximum Number of Robots Within BudgetHard
2526Find Consecutive Integers from a Data StreamMedium
2528Maximize the Minimum Powered CityHard