218The Skyline ProblemHard
307Range Sum Query - MutableMedium
315Count of Smaller Numbers After SelfHard
406Queue Reconstruction by HeightMedium
493Reverse PairsHard
673Number of Longest Increasing SubsequenceMedium
1157Online Majority Element In SubarrayHard
1395Count Number of TeamsMedium
1409Queries on a Permutation With KeyMedium
1505Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On DigitsHard
1649Create Sorted Array through InstructionsHard
1964Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each PositionHard
2179Count Good Triplets in an ArrayHard
2193Minimum Number of Moves to Make PalindromeHard
2250Count Number of Rectangles Containing Each PointMedium
2286Booking Concert Tickets in GroupsHard
2552Count Increasing QuadrupletsHard
2617Minimum Number of Visited Cells in a GridHard
2659Make Array EmptyHard
2736Maximum Sum QueriesHard