241Different Ways to Add ParenthesesMedium
329Longest Increasing Path in a MatrixHard
397Integer ReplacementMedium
464Can I WinMedium
488Zuma GameHard
509Fibonacci NumberEasy
546Remove BoxesHard
638Shopping OffersMedium
698Partition to K Equal Sum SubsetsMedium
894All Possible Full Binary TreesMedium
913Cat and MouseHard
1137N-th Tribonacci NumberEasy
1387Sort Integers by The Power ValueMedium
1444Number of Ways of Cutting a PizzaHard
1553Minimum Number of Days to Eat N OrangesHard
1569Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BSTHard
1575Count All Possible RoutesHard
1611Minimum One Bit Operations to Make Integers ZeroHard
1659Maximize Grid HappinessHard
1728Cat and Mouse IIHard
1815Maximum Number of Groups Getting Fresh DonutsHard
1857Largest Color Value in a Directed GraphHard
1900The Earliest and Latest Rounds Where Players CompeteHard
2019The Score of Students Solving Math ExpressionHard
2311Longest Binary Subsequence Less Than or Equal to KMedium
2312Selling Pieces of WoodHard
2318Number of Distinct Roll SequencesHard
2328Number of Increasing Paths in a GridHard
2713Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a MatrixHard