1815. Maximum Number of Groups Getting Fresh Donuts

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    There is a donuts shop that bakes donuts in batches of batchSize. They have a rule where they must serve all of the donuts of a batch before serving any donuts of the next batch. You are given an integer batchSize and an integer array groups, where groups[i] denotes that there is a group of groups[i] customers that will visit the shop. Each customer will get exactly one donut.

    When a group visits the shop, all customers of the group must be served before serving any of the following groups. A group will be happy if they all get fresh donuts. That is, the first customer of the group does not receive a donut that was left over from the previous group.

    You can freely rearrange the ordering of the groups. Return **the *maximum* possible number of happy groups after rearranging the groups.**

      Example 1:

    Input: batchSize = 3, groups = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
    Output: 4
    Explanation: You can arrange the groups as [6,2,4,5,1,3]. Then the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th groups will be happy.

    Example 2:

    Input: batchSize = 4, groups = [1,3,2,5,2,2,1,6]
    Output: 4



    class Solution {
      public int maxHappyGroups(int batchSize, int[] groups) {
        int happy = 0;
        int[] freq = new int[batchSize];
        for (int g : groups) {
          g %= batchSize;
          if (g == 0) {
          } else if (freq[batchSize - g] > 0) {
            --freq[batchSize - g];
          } else {
        return happy + dp(freq, 0, batchSize);
      private Map<String, Integer> memo = new HashMap<>();
      private int dp(int[] freq, int r, int batchSize) {
        final String hashed = hash(freq);
        if (memo.containsKey(hashed))
          return memo.get(hashed);
        int ans = 0;
        if (Arrays.stream(freq).anyMatch(f -> f != 0)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < freq.length; ++i)
            if (freq[i] > 0) {
              int[] newFreq = freq.clone();
              ans = Math.max(ans, dp(newFreq, (r + i) % batchSize, batchSize));
          if (r == 0)
        memo.put(hash(freq), ans);
        return ans;
      private String hash(int[] freq) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (final int f : freq)
        return sb.toString();


