289 | Game of Life | Medium |
304 | Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable | Medium |
329 | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix | Hard |
363 | Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K | Hard |
407 | Trapping Rain Water II | Hard |
417 | Pacific Atlantic Water Flow | Medium |
419 | Battleships in a Board | Medium |
427 | Construct Quad Tree | Medium |
463 | Island Perimeter | Easy |
498 | Diagonal Traverse | Medium |
529 | Minesweeper | Medium |
542 | 01 Matrix | Medium |
661 | Image Smoother | Easy |
675 | Cut Off Trees for Golf Event | Hard |
695 | Max Area of Island | Medium |
733 | Flood Fill | Easy |
741 | Cherry Pickup | Hard |
749 | Contain Virus | Hard |
766 | Toeplitz Matrix | Easy |
773 | Sliding Puzzle | Hard |
778 | Swim in Rising Water | Hard |
782 | Transform to Chessboard | Hard |
803 | Bricks Falling When Hit | Hard |
807 | Max Increase to Keep City Skyline | Medium |
827 | Making A Large Island | Hard |
840 | Magic Squares In Grid | Medium |
861 | Score After Flipping Matrix | Medium |
867 | Transpose Matrix | Easy |
883 | Projection Area of 3D Shapes | Easy |
885 | Spiral Matrix III | Medium |