1861 | Rotating the Box | Medium |
1878 | Get Biggest Three Rhombus Sums in a Grid | Medium |
1886 | Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By Rotation | Easy |
1895 | Largest Magic Square | Medium |
1901 | Find a Peak Element II | Medium |
1905 | Count Sub Islands | Medium |
1914 | Cyclically Rotating a Grid | Medium |
1926 | Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze | Medium |
1958 | Check if Move is Legal | Medium |
1970 | Last Day Where You Can Still Cross | Hard |
1975 | Maximum Matrix Sum | Medium |
1981 | Minimize the Difference Between Target and Chosen Elements | Medium |
1992 | Find All Groups of Farmland | Medium |
2017 | Grid Game | Medium |
2018 | Check if Word Can Be Placed In Crossword | Medium |
2022 | Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array | Easy |
2033 | Minimum Operations to Make a Uni-Value Grid | Medium |
2087 | Minimum Cost Homecoming of a Robot in a Grid | Medium |
2088 | Count Fertile Pyramids in a Land | Hard |
2125 | Number of Laser Beams in a Bank | Medium |
2132 | Stamping the Grid | Hard |
2133 | Check if Every Row and Column Contains All Numbers | Easy |
2146 | K Highest Ranked Items Within a Price Range | Medium |
2245 | Maximum Trailing Zeros in a Cornered Path | Medium |
2257 | Count Unguarded Cells in the Grid | Medium |
2258 | Escape the Spreading Fire | Hard |
2267 | Check if There Is a Valid Parentheses String Path | Hard |
2290 | Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner | Hard |
2304 | Minimum Path Cost in a Grid | Medium |
2319 | Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix | Easy |