2326 | Spiral Matrix IV | Medium |
2328 | Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid | Hard |
2352 | Equal Row and Column Pairs | Medium |
2373 | Largest Local Values in a Matrix | Easy |
2392 | Build a Matrix With Conditions | Hard |
2397 | Maximum Rows Covered by Columns | Medium |
2435 | Paths in Matrix Whose Sum Is Divisible by K | Hard |
2500 | Delete Greatest Value in Each Row | Easy |
2536 | Increment Submatrices by One | Medium |
2545 | Sort the Students by Their Kth Score | Medium |
2556 | Disconnect Path in a Binary Matrix by at Most One Flip | Medium |
2577 | Minimum Time to Visit a Cell In a Grid | Hard |
2596 | Check Knight Tour Configuration | Medium |
2614 | Prime In Diagonal | Easy |
2639 | Find the Width of Columns of a Grid | Easy |
2643 | Row With Maximum Ones | Easy |
2658 | Maximum Number of Fish in a Grid | Medium |
2661 | First Completely Painted Row or Column | Medium |
2679 | Sum in a Matrix | Medium |
2684 | Maximum Number of Moves in a Grid | Medium |
2711 | Difference of Number of Distinct Values on Diagonals | Medium |
2713 | Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a Matrix | Hard |
2732 | Find a Good Subset of the Matrix | Hard |
2812 | Find the Safest Path in a Grid | Medium |