218The Skyline ProblemHard
220Contains Duplicate IIIMedium
315Count of Smaller Numbers After SelfHard
352Data Stream as Disjoint IntervalsHard
363Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than KHard
456132 PatternMedium
493Reverse PairsHard
497Random Point in Non-overlapping RectanglesMedium
699Falling SquaresHard
715Range ModuleHard
731My Calendar IIMedium
732My Calendar IIIHard
850Rectangle Area IIHard
855Exam RoomMedium
895Maximum Frequency StackHard
975Odd Even JumpHard
1348Tweet Counts Per FrequencyMedium
1418Display Table of Food Orders in a RestaurantMedium
1438Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to LimitMedium
1606Find Servers That Handled Most Number of RequestsHard
1649Create Sorted Array through InstructionsHard
1675Minimize Deviation in ArrayHard
1818Minimum Absolute Sum DifferenceMedium
1825Finding MK AverageHard
1912Design Movie Rental SystemHard
1942The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied ChairMedium
2034Stock Price FluctuationMedium
2035Partition Array Into Two Arrays to Minimize Sum DifferenceHard
2102Sequentially Ordinal Rank TrackerHard
2179Count Good Triplets in an ArrayHard