1935Maximum Number of Words You Can TypeEasy
1936Add Minimum Number of RungsMedium
1937Maximum Number of Points with CostMedium
1938Maximum Genetic Difference QueryHard
1941Check if All Characters Have Equal Number of OccurrencesEasy
1942The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied ChairMedium
1943Describe the PaintingMedium
1944Number of Visible People in a QueueHard
1945Sum of Digits of String After ConvertEasy
1946Largest Number After Mutating SubstringMedium
1947Maximum Compatibility Score SumMedium
1948Delete Duplicate Folders in SystemHard
1952Three DivisorsEasy
1953Maximum Number of Weeks for Which You Can WorkMedium
1954Minimum Garden Perimeter to Collect Enough ApplesMedium
1955Count Number of Special SubsequencesHard
1957Delete Characters to Make Fancy StringEasy
1958Check if Move is LegalMedium
1959Minimum Total Space Wasted With K Resizing OperationsMedium
1960Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic SubstringsHard
1961Check If String Is a Prefix of ArrayEasy
1962Remove Stones to Minimize the TotalMedium
1963Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String BalancedMedium
1964Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each PositionHard
1965Employees With Missing InformationEasy
1967Number of Strings That Appear as Substrings in WordEasy
1968Array With Elements Not Equal to Average of NeighborsMedium
1969Minimum Non-Zero Product of the Array ElementsMedium
1970Last Day Where You Can Still CrossHard
1971Find if Path Exists in GraphEasy