2053 | Kth Distinct String in an Array | Easy |
2054 | Two Best Non-Overlapping Events | Medium |
2055 | Plates Between Candles | Medium |
2056 | Number of Valid Move Combinations On Chessboard | Hard |
2057 | Smallest Index With Equal Value | Easy |
2058 | Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points | Medium |
2059 | Minimum Operations to Convert Number | Medium |
2060 | Check if an Original String Exists Given Two Encoded Strings | Hard |
2062 | Count Vowel Substrings of a String | Easy |
2063 | Vowels of All Substrings | Medium |
2064 | Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any Store | Medium |
2065 | Maximum Path Quality of a Graph | Hard |
2068 | Check Whether Two Strings are Almost Equivalent | Easy |
2069 | Walking Robot Simulation II | Medium |
2070 | Most Beautiful Item for Each Query | Medium |
2071 | Maximum Number of Tasks You Can Assign | Hard |
2073 | Time Needed to Buy Tickets | Easy |
2074 | Reverse Nodes in Even Length Groups | Medium |
2075 | Decode the Slanted Ciphertext | Medium |
2076 | Process Restricted Friend Requests | Hard |
2078 | Two Furthest Houses With Different Colors | Easy |
2079 | Watering Plants | Medium |
2080 | Range Frequency Queries | Medium |
2081 | Sum of k-Mirror Numbers | Hard |
2085 | Count Common Words With One Occurrence | Easy |
2086 | Minimum Number of Buckets Required to Collect Rainwater from Houses | Medium |
2087 | Minimum Cost Homecoming of a Robot in a Grid | Medium |
2088 | Count Fertile Pyramids in a Land | Hard |
2089 | Find Target Indices After Sorting Array | Easy |
2090 | K Radius Subarray Averages | Medium |