2069. Walking Robot Simulation II

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A width x height grid is on an XY-plane with the bottom-left cell at (0, 0) and the top-right cell at (width - 1, height - 1). The grid is aligned with the four cardinal directions ("North", "East", "South", and "West"). A robot is initially at cell (0, 0) facing direction "East".

The robot can be instructed to move for a specific number of steps. For each step, it does the following.

After the robot finishes moving the number of steps required, it stops and awaits the next instruction.

Implement the Robot class:

  Example 1:

["Robot", "step", "step", "getPos", "getDir", "step", "step", "step", "getPos", "getDir"]
[[6, 3], [2], [2], [], [], [2], [1], [4], [], []]
[null, null, null, [4, 0], "East", null, null, null, [1, 2], "West"]

Robot robot = new Robot(6, 3); // Initialize the grid and the robot at (0, 0) facing East.
robot.step(2);  // It moves two steps East to (2, 0), and faces East.
robot.step(2);  // It moves two steps East to (4, 0), and faces East.
robot.getPos(); // return [4, 0]
robot.getDir(); // return "East"
robot.step(2);  // It moves one step East to (5, 0), and faces East.
                // Moving the next step East would be out of bounds, so it turns and faces North.
                // Then, it moves one step North to (5, 1), and faces North.
robot.step(1);  // It moves one step North to (5, 2), and faces North (not West).
robot.step(4);  // Moving the next step North would be out of bounds, so it turns and faces West.
                // Then, it moves four steps West to (1, 2), and faces West.
robot.getPos(); // return [1, 2]
robot.getDir(); // return "West"


Solution (Java)

class Robot {
    private int p;
    private int w;
    private int h;

    public Robot(int width, int height) {
        w = width - 1;
        h = height - 1;
        p = 0;

    public void step(int num) {
        p += num;

    public int[] getPos() {
        int remain = p % (2 * (w + h));
        if (remain <= w) {
            return new int[] {remain, 0};
        remain -= w;
        if (remain <= h) {
            return new int[] {w, remain};
        remain -= h;
        if (remain <= w) {
            return new int[] {w - remain, h};
        remain -= w;
        return new int[] {0, h - remain};

    public String getDir() {
        int[] pos = getPos();
        if (p == 0 || pos[1] == 0 && pos[0] > 0) {
            return "East";
        } else if (pos[0] == w && pos[1] > 0) {
            return "North";
        } else if (pos[1] == h && pos[0] < w) {
            return "West";
        } else {
            return "South";

 * Your Robot object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * Robot obj = new Robot(width, height);
 * obj.step(num);
 * int[] param_2 = obj.getPos();
 * String param_3 = obj.getDir();


