1482Minimum Number of Days to Make m BouquetsMedium
1483Kth Ancestor of a Tree NodeHard
1488Avoid Flood in The CityMedium
1498Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum ConditionMedium
1508Range Sum of Sorted Subarray SumsMedium
1521Find a Value of a Mysterious Function Closest to TargetHard
1539Kth Missing Positive NumberEasy
1552Magnetic Force Between Two BallsMedium
1562Find Latest Group of Size MMedium
1574Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array SortedMedium
1608Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal XEasy
1631Path With Minimum EffortMedium
1648Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored BallsMedium
1649Create Sorted Array through InstructionsHard
1658Minimum Operations to Reduce X to ZeroMedium
1671Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain ArrayHard
1712Ways to Split Array Into Three SubarraysMedium
1713Minimum Operations to Make a SubsequenceHard
1739Building BoxesHard
1751Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended IIHard
1760Minimum Limit of Balls in a BagMedium
1782Count Pairs Of NodesHard
1793Maximum Score of a Good SubarrayHard
1802Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded ArrayMedium
1818Minimum Absolute Sum DifferenceMedium
1838Frequency of the Most Frequent ElementMedium
1847Closest RoomHard
1851Minimum Interval to Include Each QueryHard
1855Maximum Distance Between a Pair of ValuesMedium
1862Sum of Floored PairsHard