862Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least KHard
875Koko Eating BananasMedium
878Nth Magical NumberHard
887Super Egg DropHard
888Fair Candy SwapEasy
902Numbers At Most N Given Digit SetHard
911Online ElectionMedium
981Time Based Key-Value StoreMedium
1004Max Consecutive Ones IIIMedium
1011Capacity To Ship Packages Within D DaysMedium
1027Longest Arithmetic SubsequenceMedium
1044Longest Duplicate SubstringHard
1095Find in Mountain ArrayHard
1146Snapshot ArrayMedium
1157Online Majority Element In SubarrayHard
1170Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest CharacterMedium
1187Make Array Strictly IncreasingHard
1201Ugly Number IIIMedium
1208Get Equal Substrings Within BudgetMedium
1235Maximum Profit in Job SchedulingHard
1237Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given EquationMedium
1283Find the Smallest Divisor Given a ThresholdMedium
1292Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to ThresholdMedium
1300Sum of Mutated Array Closest to TargetMedium
1346Check If N and Its Double ExistEasy
1348Tweet Counts Per FrequencyMedium
1351Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted MatrixEasy
1385Find the Distance Value Between Two ArraysEasy
1439Find the Kth Smallest Sum of a Matrix With Sorted RowsHard
1477Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target SumMedium