1044. Longest Duplicate Substring

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    Given a string s, consider all duplicated substrings: (contiguous) substrings of s that occur 2 or more times. The occurrences may overlap.

    Return any duplicated substring that has the longest possible length. If s does not have a duplicated substring, the answer is "".

      Example 1:

    Input: s = "banana"
    Output: "ana"

    Example 2:

    Input: s = "abcd"
    Output: ""



    class Solution {
        private static final int MOD = (int) 1e9 + 7;
        private long[] hsh;
        private long[] pw;
        private final List[] cnt = new List[26];
        public String longestDupSubstring(String s) {
            int n = s.length();
            int base = 131;
            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
                cnt[i] = new ArrayList<>();
            hsh = new long[n + 1];
            pw = new long[n + 1];
            pw[0] = 1;
            for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
                hsh[j] = (hsh[j - 1] * base + s.charAt(j - 1)) % MOD;
                pw[j] = pw[j - 1] * base % MOD;
                cnt[s.charAt(j - 1) - 'a'].add(j - 1);
            String ans = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
                if (cnt[i].isEmpty()) {
                List<Integer> idx = cnt[i];
                Set<Long> set;
                int lo = 1;
                int hi = n - idx.get(0);
                while (lo <= hi) {
                    int len = (lo + hi) / 2;
                    set = new HashSet<>();
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (int nxt : idx) {
                        if (nxt + len <= n) {
                            long substrHash = getSubstrHash(nxt, nxt + len);
                            if (set.contains(substrHash)) {
                                found = true;
                                if (len + 1 > ans.length()) {
                                    ans = s.substring(nxt, nxt + len);
                    if (found) {
                        lo = len + 1;
                    } else {
                        hi = len - 1;
            return ans;
        private long getSubstrHash(int l, int r) {
            return (hsh[r] - hsh[l] * pw[r - l] % MOD + MOD) % MOD;


