1559Detect Cycles in 2D GridMedium
1560Most Visited Sector in a Circular TrackEasy
1561Maximum Number of Coins You Can GetMedium
1562Find Latest Group of Size MMedium
1563Stone Game VHard
1566Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More TimesEasy
1567Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive ProductMedium
1568Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect IslandHard
1569Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BSTHard
1572Matrix Diagonal SumEasy
1574Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array SortedMedium
1575Count All Possible RoutesHard
1577Number of Ways Where Square of Number Is Equal to Product of Two NumbersMedium
1578Minimum Time to Make Rope ColorfulMedium
1582Special Positions in a Binary MatrixEasy
1583Count Unhappy FriendsMedium
1584Min Cost to Connect All PointsMedium
1588Sum of All Odd Length SubarraysEasy
1589Maximum Sum Obtained of Any PermutationMedium
1590Make Sum Divisible by PMedium
1591Strange Printer IIHard
1594Maximum Non Negative Product in a MatrixMedium
1595Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of PointsHard
1598Crawler Log FolderEasy
1599Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial WheelMedium
1601Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer RequestsHard
1604Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour PeriodMedium
1605Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column SumsMedium
1606Find Servers That Handled Most Number of RequestsHard
1608Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal XEasy