1675 | Minimize Deviation in Array | Hard |
1679 | Max Number of K-Sum Pairs | Medium |
1681 | Minimum Incompatibility | Hard |
1684 | Count the Number of Consistent Strings | Easy |
1685 | Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array | Medium |
1686 | Stone Game VI | Medium |
1687 | Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports | Hard |
1690 | Stone Game VII | Medium |
1691 | Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids | Hard |
1695 | Maximum Erasure Value | Medium |
1696 | Jump Game VI | Medium |
1697 | Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths | Hard |
1700 | Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch | Easy |
1701 | Average Waiting Time | Medium |
1703 | Minimum Adjacent Swaps for K Consecutive Ones | Hard |
1705 | Maximum Number of Eaten Apples | Medium |
1706 | Where Will the Ball Fall | Medium |
1707 | Maximum XOR With an Element From Array | Hard |
1710 | Maximum Units on a Truck | Easy |
1711 | Count Good Meals | Medium |
1712 | Ways to Split Array Into Three Subarrays | Medium |
1713 | Minimum Operations to Make a Subsequence | Hard |
1718 | Construct the Lexicographically Largest Valid Sequence | Medium |
1720 | Decode XORed Array | Easy |
1722 | Minimize Hamming Distance After Swap Operations | Medium |
1723 | Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs | Hard |
1725 | Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square | Easy |
1726 | Tuple with Same Product | Medium |
1727 | Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements | Medium |
1728 | Cat and Mouse II | Hard |