1732Find the Highest AltitudeEasy
1733Minimum Number of People to TeachMedium
1734Decode XORed PermutationMedium
1735Count Ways to Make Array With ProductHard
1738Find Kth Largest XOR Coordinate ValueMedium
1743Restore the Array From Adjacent PairsMedium
1744Can You Eat Your Favorite Candy on Your Favorite Day?Medium
1748Sum of Unique ElementsEasy
1749Maximum Absolute Sum of Any SubarrayMedium
1751Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended IIHard
1752Check if Array Is Sorted and RotatedEasy
1755Closest Subsequence SumHard
1760Minimum Limit of Balls in a BagMedium
1764Form Array by Concatenating Subarrays of Another ArrayMedium
1765Map of Highest PeakMedium
1769Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each BoxMedium
1770Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication OperationsMedium
1773Count Items Matching a RuleEasy
1774Closest Dessert CostMedium
1775Equal Sum Arrays With Minimum Number of OperationsMedium
1776Car Fleet IIHard
1779Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y CoordinateEasy
1785Minimum Elements to Add to Form a Given SumMedium
1787Make the XOR of All Segments Equal to ZeroHard
1792Maximum Average Pass RatioMedium
1793Maximum Score of a Good SubarrayHard
1798Maximum Number of Consecutive Values You Can MakeMedium
1799Maximize Score After N OperationsHard
1800Maximum Ascending Subarray SumEasy
1801Number of Orders in the BacklogMedium