You are given two integers, x
and y
, which represent your current location on a Cartesian grid: (x, y)
. You are also given an array points
where each points[i] = [ai, bi]
represents that a point exists at (ai, bi)
. A point is valid if it shares the same x-coordinate or the same y-coordinate as your location.
Return **the index *(0-indexed)* of the valid point with the smallest Manhattan distance from your current location**. If there are multiple, return *the valid point with the smallest index*. If there are no valid points, return -1
The Manhattan distance between two points (x1, y1)
and (x2, y2)
is abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
Example 1:
Input: x = 3, y = 4, points = [[1,2],[3,1],[2,4],[2,3],[4,4]]
Output: 2
Explanation: Of all the points, only [3,1], [2,4] and [4,4] are valid. Of the valid points, [2,4] and [4,4] have the smallest Manhattan distance from your current location, with a distance of 1. [2,4] has the smallest index, so return 2.
Example 2:
Input: x = 3, y = 4, points = [[3,4]]
Output: 0
Explanation: The answer is allowed to be on the same location as your current location.
Example 3:
Input: x = 3, y = 4, points = [[2,3]]
Output: -1
Explanation: There are no valid points.
1 <= points.length <= 10^4
points[i].length == 2
1 <= x, y, ai, bi <= 10^4
Solution (Java)
class Solution {
public int nearestValidPoint(int x, int y, int[][] points) {
int nearestManDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int result = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
int[] point = points[i];
if (point[0] == x || point[1] == y) {
int distance = Math.abs(point[0] - x) + Math.abs(point[1] - y);
if (distance < nearestManDistance) {
result = i;
nearestManDistance = distance;
return result;
- Time complexity : O(n).
- Space complexity : O(n).