1863Sum of All Subset XOR TotalsEasy
1865Finding Pairs With a Certain SumMedium
1870Minimum Speed to Arrive on TimeMedium
1872Stone Game VIIIHard
1877Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in ArrayMedium
1878Get Biggest Three Rhombus Sums in a GridMedium
1879Minimum XOR Sum of Two ArraysHard
1882Process Tasks Using ServersMedium
1883Minimum Skips to Arrive at Meeting On TimeHard
1886Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By RotationEasy
1887Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements EqualMedium
1889Minimum Space Wasted From PackagingHard
1893Check if All the Integers in a Range Are CoveredEasy
1894Find the Student that Will Replace the ChalkMedium
1895Largest Magic SquareMedium
1898Maximum Number of Removable CharactersMedium
1899Merge Triplets to Form Target TripletMedium
1901Find a Peak Element IIMedium
1905Count Sub IslandsMedium
1906Minimum Absolute Difference QueriesMedium
1909Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly IncreasingEasy
1911Maximum Alternating Subsequence SumMedium
1912Design Movie Rental SystemHard
1913Maximum Product Difference Between Two PairsEasy
1914Cyclically Rotating a GridMedium
1920Build Array from PermutationEasy
1921Eliminate Maximum Number of MonstersMedium
1923Longest Common SubpathHard
1926Nearest Exit from Entrance in MazeMedium
1929Concatenation of ArrayEasy