1936 | Add Minimum Number of Rungs | Medium |
1937 | Maximum Number of Points with Cost | Medium |
1938 | Maximum Genetic Difference Query | Hard |
1942 | The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied Chair | Medium |
1943 | Describe the Painting | Medium |
1944 | Number of Visible People in a Queue | Hard |
1946 | Largest Number After Mutating Substring | Medium |
1947 | Maximum Compatibility Score Sum | Medium |
1948 | Delete Duplicate Folders in System | Hard |
1953 | Maximum Number of Weeks for Which You Can Work | Medium |
1955 | Count Number of Special Subsequences | Hard |
1958 | Check if Move is Legal | Medium |
1959 | Minimum Total Space Wasted With K Resizing Operations | Medium |
1961 | Check If String Is a Prefix of Array | Easy |
1962 | Remove Stones to Minimize the Total | Medium |
1964 | Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position | Hard |
1968 | Array With Elements Not Equal to Average of Neighbors | Medium |
1970 | Last Day Where You Can Still Cross | Hard |
1975 | Maximum Matrix Sum | Medium |
1979 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of Array | Easy |
1980 | Find Unique Binary String | Medium |
1981 | Minimize the Difference Between Target and Chosen Elements | Medium |
1982 | Find Array Given Subset Sums | Hard |
1984 | Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K Scores | Easy |
1985 | Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array | Medium |
1986 | Minimum Number of Work Sessions to Finish the Tasks | Medium |
1991 | Find the Middle Index in Array | Easy |
1992 | Find All Groups of Farmland | Medium |
1994 | The Number of Good Subsets | Hard |
1995 | Count Special Quadruplets | Easy |