2054Two Best Non-Overlapping EventsMedium
2055Plates Between CandlesMedium
2056Number of Valid Move Combinations On ChessboardHard
2057Smallest Index With Equal ValueEasy
2059Minimum Operations to Convert NumberMedium
2064Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any StoreMedium
2065Maximum Path Quality of a GraphHard
2070Most Beautiful Item for Each QueryMedium
2071Maximum Number of Tasks You Can AssignHard
2073Time Needed to Buy TicketsEasy
2078Two Furthest Houses With Different ColorsEasy
2079Watering PlantsMedium
2080Range Frequency QueriesMedium
2085Count Common Words With One OccurrenceEasy
2087Minimum Cost Homecoming of a Robot in a GridMedium
2088Count Fertile Pyramids in a LandHard
2089Find Target Indices After Sorting ArrayEasy
2090K Radius Subarray AveragesMedium
2091Removing Minimum and Maximum From ArrayMedium
2094Finding 3-Digit Even NumbersEasy
2099Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest SumEasy
2100Find Good Days to Rob the BankMedium
2101Detonate the Maximum BombsMedium
2104Sum of Subarray RangesMedium
2105Watering Plants IIMedium
2106Maximum Fruits Harvested After at Most K StepsHard
2108Find First Palindromic String in the ArrayEasy
2109Adding Spaces to a StringMedium
2110Number of Smooth Descent Periods of a StockMedium
2111Minimum Operations to Make the Array K-IncreasingHard