1899. Merge Triplets to Form Target Triplet

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    A triplet is an array of three integers. You are given a 2D integer array triplets, where triplets[i] = [ai, bi, ci] describes the ith triplet. You are also given an integer array target = [x, y, z] that describes the triplet you want to obtain.

    To obtain target, you may apply the following operation on triplets any number of times (possibly zero):

    Choose two indices (**0-indexed**) i and j (i != j) and **update** triplets[j] to become [max(ai, aj), max(bi, bj), max(ci, cj)].

    Return true **if it is possible to obtain the *target* triplet [x, y, z] as an** element** of triplets, or false otherwise**.

      Example 1:

    Input: triplets = [[2,5,3],[1,8,4],[1,7,5]], target = [2,7,5]
    Output: true
    Explanation: Perform the following operations:
    - Choose the first and last triplets [[2,5,3],[1,8,4],[1,7,5]]. Update the last triplet to be [max(2,1), max(5,7), max(3,5)] = [2,7,5]. triplets = [[2,5,3],[1,8,4],[2,7,5]]
    The target triplet [2,7,5] is now an element of triplets.

    Example 2:

    Input: triplets = [[3,4,5],[4,5,6]], target = [3,2,5]
    Output: false
    Explanation: It is impossible to have [3,2,5] as an element because there is no 2 in any of the triplets.

    Example 3:

    Input: triplets = [[2,5,3],[2,3,4],[1,2,5],[5,2,3]], target = [5,5,5]
    Output: true
    Explanation: Perform the following operations:
    - Choose the first and third triplets [[2,5,3],[2,3,4],[1,2,5],[5,2,3]]. Update the third triplet to be [max(2,1), max(5,2), max(3,5)] = [2,5,5]. triplets = [[2,5,3],[2,3,4],[2,5,5],[5,2,3]].
    - Choose the third and fourth triplets [[2,5,3],[2,3,4],[2,5,5],[5,2,3]]. Update the fourth triplet to be [max(2,5), max(5,2), max(5,3)] = [5,5,5]. triplets = [[2,5,3],[2,3,4],[2,5,5],[5,5,5]].
    The target triplet [5,5,5] is now an element of triplets.


    Solution (Java)

    class Solution {
        public boolean mergeTriplets(int[][] triplets, int[] target) {
            boolean one = false;
            boolean two = false;
            boolean three = false;
            for (int[] triplet : triplets) {
                if (!one
                        && triplet[0] == target[0]
                        && triplet[1] <= target[1]
                        && triplet[2] <= target[2]) {
                    one = true;
                if (!two
                        && triplet[0] <= target[0]
                        && triplet[1] == target[1]
                        && triplet[2] <= target[2]) {
                    two = true;
                if (!three
                        && triplet[0] <= target[0]
                        && triplet[1] <= target[1]
                        && triplet[2] == target[2]) {
                    three = true;
                if (one && two && three) {
                    return true;
            return false;


