1818Minimum Absolute Sum DifferenceMedium
1819Number of Different Subsequences GCDsHard
1822Sign of the Product of an ArrayEasy
1823Find the Winner of the Circular GameMedium
1824Minimum Sideway JumpsMedium
1825Finding MK AverageHard
1827Minimum Operations to Make the Array IncreasingEasy
1828Queries on Number of Points Inside a CircleMedium
1829Maximum XOR for Each QueryMedium
1830Minimum Number of Operations to Make String SortedHard
1832Check if the Sentence Is PangramEasy
1833Maximum Ice Cream BarsMedium
1834Single-Threaded CPUMedium
1835Find XOR Sum of All Pairs Bitwise ANDHard
1837Sum of Digits in Base KEasy
1838Frequency of the Most Frequent ElementMedium
1839Longest Substring Of All Vowels in OrderMedium
1840Maximum Building HeightHard
1844Replace All Digits with CharactersEasy
1845Seat Reservation ManagerMedium
1846Maximum Element After Decreasing and RearrangingMedium
1847Closest RoomHard
1848Minimum Distance to the Target ElementEasy
1849Splitting a String Into Descending Consecutive ValuesMedium
1850Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Reach the Kth Smallest NumberMedium
1851Minimum Interval to Include Each QueryHard
1854Maximum Population YearEasy
1855Maximum Distance Between a Pair of ValuesMedium
1856Maximum Subarray Min-ProductMedium
1857Largest Color Value in a Directed GraphHard