1818 | Minimum Absolute Sum Difference | Medium |
1819 | Number of Different Subsequences GCDs | Hard |
1822 | Sign of the Product of an Array | Easy |
1823 | Find the Winner of the Circular Game | Medium |
1824 | Minimum Sideway Jumps | Medium |
1825 | Finding MK Average | Hard |
1827 | Minimum Operations to Make the Array Increasing | Easy |
1828 | Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle | Medium |
1829 | Maximum XOR for Each Query | Medium |
1830 | Minimum Number of Operations to Make String Sorted | Hard |
1832 | Check if the Sentence Is Pangram | Easy |
1833 | Maximum Ice Cream Bars | Medium |
1834 | Single-Threaded CPU | Medium |
1835 | Find XOR Sum of All Pairs Bitwise AND | Hard |
1837 | Sum of Digits in Base K | Easy |
1838 | Frequency of the Most Frequent Element | Medium |
1839 | Longest Substring Of All Vowels in Order | Medium |
1840 | Maximum Building Height | Hard |
1844 | Replace All Digits with Characters | Easy |
1845 | Seat Reservation Manager | Medium |
1846 | Maximum Element After Decreasing and Rearranging | Medium |
1847 | Closest Room | Hard |
1848 | Minimum Distance to the Target Element | Easy |
1849 | Splitting a String Into Descending Consecutive Values | Medium |
1850 | Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Reach the Kth Smallest Number | Medium |
1851 | Minimum Interval to Include Each Query | Hard |
1854 | Maximum Population Year | Easy |
1855 | Maximum Distance Between a Pair of Values | Medium |
1856 | Maximum Subarray Min-Product | Medium |
1857 | Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph | Hard |