1780Check if Number is a Sum of Powers of ThreeMedium
1781Sum of Beauty of All SubstringsMedium
1782Count Pairs Of NodesHard
1784Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of OnesEasy
1785Minimum Elements to Add to Form a Given SumMedium
1786Number of Restricted Paths From First to Last NodeMedium
1787Make the XOR of All Segments Equal to ZeroHard
1790Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings EqualEasy
1791Find Center of Star GraphEasy
1792Maximum Average Pass RatioMedium
1793Maximum Score of a Good SubarrayHard
1795Rearrange Products TableEasy
1796Second Largest Digit in a StringEasy
1797Design Authentication ManagerMedium
1798Maximum Number of Consecutive Values You Can MakeMedium
1799Maximize Score After N OperationsHard
1800Maximum Ascending Subarray SumEasy
1801Number of Orders in the BacklogMedium
1802Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded ArrayMedium
1803Count Pairs With XOR in a RangeHard
1805Number of Different Integers in a StringEasy
1806Minimum Number of Operations to Reinitialize a PermutationMedium
1807Evaluate the Bracket Pairs of a StringMedium
1808Maximize Number of Nice DivisorsHard
1812Determine Color of a Chessboard SquareEasy
1813Sentence Similarity IIIMedium
1814Count Nice Pairs in an ArrayMedium
1815Maximum Number of Groups Getting Fresh DonutsHard
1816Truncate SentenceEasy
1817Finding the Users Active MinutesMedium