1036Escape a Large MazeHard
1044Longest Duplicate SubstringHard
1074Number of Submatrices That Sum to TargetHard
1092Shortest Common SupersequenceHard
1095Find in Mountain ArrayHard
1096Brace Expansion IIHard
1106Parsing A Boolean ExpressionHard
1125Smallest Sufficient TeamHard
1157Online Majority Element In SubarrayHard
1163Last Substring in Lexicographical OrderHard
1172Dinner Plate StacksHard
1178Number of Valid Words for Each PuzzleHard
1187Make Array Strictly IncreasingHard
1192Critical Connections in a NetworkHard
1203Sort Items by Groups Respecting DependenciesHard
1206Design SkiplistHard
1210Minimum Moves to Reach Target with RotationsHard
1220Count Vowels PermutationHard
1223Dice Roll SimulationHard
1224Maximum Equal FrequencyHard
1235Maximum Profit in Job SchedulingHard
1240Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest SquaresHard
1250Check If It Is a Good ArrayHard
1251Longest Chunked Palindrome DecompositionHard
1255Maximum Score Words Formed by LettersHard
1263Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target LocationHard
1269Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some StepsHard
1278Palindrome Partitioning IIIHard
1284Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero MatrixHard
1289Minimum Falling Path Sum IIHard