1759Count Number of Homogenous SubstringsMedium
1766Tree of CoprimesHard
1776Car Fleet IIHard
1780Check if Number is a Sum of Powers of ThreeMedium
1799Maximize Score After N OperationsHard
1806Minimum Number of Operations to Reinitialize a PermutationMedium
1808Maximize Number of Nice DivisorsHard
1812Determine Color of a Chessboard SquareEasy
1814Count Nice Pairs in an ArrayMedium
1819Number of Different Subsequences GCDsHard
1822Sign of the Product of an ArrayEasy
1823Find the Winner of the Circular GameMedium
1828Queries on Number of Points Inside a CircleMedium
1830Minimum Number of Operations to Make String SortedHard
1835Find XOR Sum of All Pairs Bitwise ANDHard
1837Sum of Digits in Base KEasy
1840Maximum Building HeightHard
1862Sum of Floored PairsHard
1863Sum of All Subset XOR TotalsEasy
1866Number of Ways to Rearrange Sticks With K Sticks VisibleHard
1872Stone Game VIIIHard
1878Get Biggest Three Rhombus Sums in a GridMedium
1884Egg Drop With 2 Eggs and N FloorsMedium
1896Minimum Cost to Change the Final Value of ExpressionHard
1903Largest Odd Number in StringEasy
1904The Number of Full Rounds You Have PlayedMedium
1916Count Ways to Build Rooms in an Ant ColonyHard
1922Count Good NumbersMedium
1925Count Square Sum TriplesEasy
1927Sum GameMedium