1248Count Number of Nice SubarraysMedium
1250Check If It Is a Good ArrayHard
1252Cells with Odd Values in a MatrixEasy
1266Minimum Time Visiting All PointsEasy
1276Number of Burgers with No Waste of IngredientsMedium
1281Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an IntegerEasy
1290Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to IntegerEasy
1304Find N Unique Integers Sum up to ZeroEasy
1307Verbal Arithmetic PuzzleHard
1317Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero IntegersEasy
1323Maximum 69 NumberEasy
1330Reverse Subarray To Maximize Array ValueHard
1344Angle Between Hands of a ClockMedium
1352Product of the Last K NumbersMedium
1359Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery OptionsHard
1360Number of Days Between Two DatesEasy
1362Closest DivisorsMedium
1390Four DivisorsMedium
1399Count Largest GroupEasy
1401Circle and Rectangle OverlappingMedium
1406Stone Game IIIHard
1432Max Difference You Can Get From Changing an IntegerMedium
1442Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XORMedium
1447Simplified FractionsMedium
1453Maximum Number of Darts Inside of a Circular DartboardHard
1467Probability of a Two Boxes Having The Same Number of Distinct BallsHard
1478Allocate MailboxesHard
1486XOR Operation in an ArrayEasy
1492The kth Factor of nMedium
1510Stone Game IVHard