Given an equation, represented by words
on the left side and the result
on the right side.
You need to check if the equation is solvable under the following rules:
Each character is decoded as one digit (0 - 9).
No two characters can map to the same digit.
are decoded as one number without leading zeros.Sum of numbers on the left side (
) will equal to the number on the right side (result
Return true
if the equation is solvable, otherwise return false
Example 1:
Input: words = ["SEND","MORE"], result = "MONEY"
Output: true
Explanation: Map 'S'-> 9, 'E'->5, 'N'->6, 'D'->7, 'M'->1, 'O'->0, 'R'->8, 'Y'->'2'
Such that: "SEND" + "MORE" = "MONEY" , 9567 + 1085 = 10652
Example 2:
Input: words = ["SIX","SEVEN","SEVEN"], result = "TWENTY"
Output: true
Explanation: Map 'S'-> 6, 'I'->5, 'X'->0, 'E'->8, 'V'->7, 'N'->2, 'T'->1, 'W'->'3', 'Y'->4
Such that: "SIX" + "SEVEN" + "SEVEN" = "TWENTY" , 650 + 68782 + 68782 = 138214
Example 3:
Input: words = ["LEET","CODE"], result = "POINT"
Output: false
Explanation: There is no possible mapping to satisfy the equation, so we return false.
Note that two different characters cannot map to the same digit.
2 <= words.length <= 5
1 <= words[i].length, result.length <= 7
words[i], result
contain only uppercase English letters.The number of different characters used in the expression is at most
class Solution {
private int[] map;
private char[][] grid;
private boolean solved;
private boolean[] usedDigit;
private boolean[] mustNotBeZero;
private int cols;
private int resultRow;
public boolean isSolvable(String[] words, String result) {
this.solved = false;
int rows = words.length + 1;
this.cols = result.length();
this.grid = new char[rows][cols];
this.mustNotBeZero = new boolean[26];
this.usedDigit = new boolean[10];
this.resultRow = rows - 1; = new int[26];
Arrays.fill(map, -1);
int maxLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
int j = words[i].length();
if (j > maxLength) {
maxLength = j;
if (j > 1) {
mustNotBeZero[words[i].charAt(0) - 'A'] = true;
if (j > cols) {
return false;
for (char c : words[i].toCharArray()) {
grid[i][--j] = c;
if (maxLength + 1 < cols) {
return false;
int j = cols;
if (j > 1) {
mustNotBeZero[result.charAt(0) - 'A'] = true;
for (char c : result.toCharArray()) {
grid[resultRow][--j] = c;
backtrack(0, 0, 0);
return solved;
private boolean canPlace(int ci, int d) {
return (!usedDigit[d] && map[ci] == -1) || (map[ci] == d);
private void placeNum(int ci, int d) {
usedDigit[d] = true;
map[ci] = d;
private void removeNum(int ci, int d) {
usedDigit[d] = false;
map[ci] = -1;
private void placeNextNum(int r, int c, int sum) {
if (r == resultRow && c == cols - 1) {
solved = sum == 0;
} else {
if (r == resultRow) {
backtrack(0, c + 1, sum);
} else {
backtrack(r + 1, c, sum);
private void backtrack(int r, int c, int sum) {
char unused = '\u0000';
if (grid[r][c] == unused) {
placeNextNum(r, c, sum);
} else {
int ci = grid[r][c] - 'A';
if (r == resultRow) {
int d = sum % 10;
if (map[ci] == -1) {
if (canPlace(ci, d)) {
placeNum(ci, d);
placeNextNum(r, c, sum / 10);
if (solved) {
removeNum(ci, d);
} else {
if (map[ci] == d) {
placeNextNum(r, c, sum / 10);
} else {
if (map[ci] == -1) {
for (int d = mustNotBeZero[ci] ? 1 : 0; d < 10; d++) {
if (canPlace(ci, d)) {
placeNum(ci, d);
placeNextNum(r, c, sum + d);
if (solved) {
removeNum(ci, d);
} else {
placeNextNum(r, c, sum + map[ci]);
- Time complexity : O(n).
- Space complexity : O(n).