1952Three DivisorsEasy
1954Minimum Garden Perimeter to Collect Enough ApplesMedium
1969Minimum Non-Zero Product of the Array ElementsMedium
1979Find Greatest Common Divisor of ArrayEasy
1994The Number of Good SubsetsHard
1998GCD Sort of an ArrayHard
2001Number of Pairs of Interchangeable RectanglesMedium
2019The Score of Students Solving Math ExpressionHard
2028Find Missing ObservationsMedium
2029Stone Game IXMedium
2033Minimum Operations to Make a Uni-Value GridMedium
2038Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same ColorMedium
2048Next Greater Numerically Balanced NumberMedium
2063Vowels of All SubstringsMedium
2081Sum of k-Mirror NumbersHard
2101Detonate the Maximum BombsMedium
2110Number of Smooth Descent Periods of a StockMedium
2117Abbreviating the Product of a RangeHard
2119A Number After a Double ReversalEasy
2125Number of Laser Beams in a BankMedium
2139Minimum Moves to Reach Target ScoreMedium
2147Number of Ways to Divide a Long CorridorHard
2160Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting DigitsEasy
2162Minimum Cost to Set Cooking TimeMedium
2165Smallest Value of the Rearranged NumberMedium
2169Count Operations to Obtain ZeroEasy
2177Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given NumberMedium
2178Maximum Split of Positive Even IntegersMedium
2180Count Integers With Even Digit SumEasy
2183Count Array Pairs Divisible by KHard