2525Categorize Box According to CriteriaEasy
2527Find Xor-Beauty of ArrayMedium
2535Difference Between Element Sum and Digit Sum of an ArrayEasy
2541Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal IIMedium
2543Check if Point Is ReachableHard
2544Alternating Digit SumEasy
2549Count Distinct Numbers on BoardEasy
2550Count Collisions of Monkeys on a PolygonMedium
2572Count the Number of Square-Free SubsetsMedium
2575Find the Divisibility Array of a StringMedium
2578Split With Minimum SumEasy
2579Count Total Number of Colored CellsMedium
2582Pass the PillowEasy
2584Split the Array to Make Coprime ProductsHard
2591Distribute Money to Maximum ChildrenEasy
2598Smallest Missing Non-negative Integer After OperationsMedium
2600K Items With the Maximum SumEasy
2601Prime Subtraction OperationMedium
2607Make K-Subarray Sums EqualMedium
2614Prime In DiagonalEasy
2651Calculate Delayed Arrival TimeEasy
2652Sum MultiplesEasy
2654Minimum Number of Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal to 1Medium
2681Power of HeroesHard
2698Find the Punishment Number of an IntegerMedium
2709Greatest Common Divisor TraversalHard
2719Count of IntegersHard
2729Check if The Number is FascinatingEasy
2739Total Distance TraveledEasy
2745Construct the Longest New StringMedium