1391Check if There is a Valid Path in a GridMedium
1443Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a TreeMedium
1448Count Good Nodes in Binary TreeMedium
1457Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary TreeMedium
1462Course Schedule IVMedium
1466Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City ZeroMedium
1483Kth Ancestor of a Tree NodeHard
1519Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same LabelMedium
1530Number of Good Leaf Nodes PairsMedium
1559Detect Cycles in 2D GridMedium
1568Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect IslandHard
1600Throne InheritanceMedium
1631Path With Minimum EffortMedium
1706Where Will the Ball FallMedium
1722Minimize Hamming Distance After Swap OperationsMedium
1766Tree of CoprimesHard
1905Count Sub IslandsMedium
1932Merge BSTs to Create Single BSTHard
1970Last Day Where You Can Still CrossHard
1971Find if Path Exists in GraphEasy
1992Find All Groups of FarmlandMedium
1993Operations on TreeMedium
2003Smallest Missing Genetic Value in Each SubtreeHard
2049Count Nodes With the Highest ScoreMedium
2092Find All People With SecretHard
2096Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to AnotherMedium
2097Valid Arrangement of PairsHard
2101Detonate the Maximum BombsMedium
2127Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a MeetingHard
2192All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic GraphMedium