1559Detect Cycles in 2D GridMedium
1568Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect IslandHard
1609Even Odd TreeMedium
1625Lexicographically Smallest String After Applying OperationsMedium
1631Path With Minimum EffortMedium
1654Minimum Jumps to Reach HomeMedium
1765Map of Highest PeakMedium
1766Tree of CoprimesHard
1905Count Sub IslandsMedium
1926Nearest Exit from Entrance in MazeMedium
1970Last Day Where You Can Still CrossHard
1971Find if Path Exists in GraphEasy
1992Find All Groups of FarmlandMedium
1993Operations on TreeMedium
2039The Time When the Network Becomes IdleMedium
2045Second Minimum Time to Reach DestinationHard
2059Minimum Operations to Convert NumberMedium
2092Find All People With SecretHard
2101Detonate the Maximum BombsMedium
2146K Highest Ranked Items Within a Price RangeMedium
2192All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic GraphMedium
2196Create Binary Tree From DescriptionsMedium
2258Escape the Spreading FireHard
2290Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach CornerHard
2316Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected GraphMedium
2328Number of Increasing Paths in a GridHard
2368Reachable Nodes With RestrictionsMedium
2385Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be InfectedMedium
2458Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal QueriesHard
2467Most Profitable Path in a TreeMedium