2319 | Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix | Easy |
2320 | Count Number of Ways to Place Houses | Medium |
2321 | Maximum Score Of Spliced Array | Hard |
2322 | Minimum Score After Removals on a Tree | Hard |
2325 | Decode the Message | Easy |
2326 | Spiral Matrix IV | Medium |
2327 | Number of People Aware of a Secret | Medium |
2328 | Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid | Hard |
2331 | Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree | Easy |
2332 | The Latest Time to Catch a Bus | Medium |
2333 | Minimum Sum of Squared Difference | Medium |
2334 | Subarray With Elements Greater Than Varying Threshold | Hard |
2335 | Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups | Easy |
2336 | Smallest Number in Infinite Set | Medium |
2337 | Move Pieces to Obtain a String | Medium |
2338 | Count the Number of Ideal Arrays | Hard |
2341 | Maximum Number of Pairs in Array | Easy |
2342 | Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits | Medium |
2344 | Minimum Deletions to Make Array Divisible | Hard |
2347 | Best Poker Hand | Easy |
2348 | Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays | Medium |
2349 | Design a Number Container System | Medium |
2350 | Shortest Impossible Sequence of Rolls | Hard |
2351 | First Letter to Appear Twice | Easy |
2352 | Equal Row and Column Pairs | Medium |
2353 | Design a Food Rating System | Medium |
2354 | Number of Excellent Pairs | Hard |
2357 | Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts | Easy |
2358 | Maximum Number of Groups Entering a Competition | Medium |
2359 | Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes | Medium |