2360 | Longest Cycle in a Graph | Hard |
2363 | Merge Similar Items | Easy |
2364 | Count Number of Bad Pairs | Medium |
2365 | Task Scheduler II | Medium |
2366 | Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array | Hard |
2367 | Number of Arithmetic Triplets | Easy |
2368 | Reachable Nodes With Restrictions | Medium |
2369 | Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array | Medium |
2370 | Longest Ideal Subsequence | Medium |
2373 | Largest Local Values in a Matrix | Easy |
2374 | Node With Highest Edge Score | Medium |
2375 | Construct Smallest Number From DI String | Medium |
2376 | Count Special Integers | Hard |
2379 | Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks | Easy |
2380 | Time Needed to Rearrange a Binary String | Medium |
2381 | Shifting Letters II | Medium |
2382 | Maximum Segment Sum After Removals | Hard |
2383 | Minimum Hours of Training to Win a Competition | Easy |
2384 | Largest Palindromic Number | Medium |
2385 | Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected | Medium |
2386 | Find the K-Sum of an Array | Hard |
2389 | Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum | Easy |
2390 | Removing Stars From a String | Medium |
2391 | Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage | Medium |
2392 | Build a Matrix With Conditions | Hard |
2395 | Find Subarrays With Equal Sum | Easy |
2396 | Strictly Palindromic Number | Medium |
2397 | Maximum Rows Covered by Columns | Medium |
2398 | Maximum Number of Robots Within Budget | Hard |
2399 | Check Distances Between Same Letters | Easy |