2322. Minimum Score After Removals on a Tree

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    There is an undirected connected tree with n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1 and n - 1 edges.

    You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums of length n where nums[i] represents the value of the ith node. You are also given a 2D integer array edges of length n - 1 where edges[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi in the tree.

    Remove two distinct edges of the tree to form three connected components. For a pair of removed edges, the following steps are defined:

    Return **the *minimum* score of any possible pair of edge removals on the given tree**.

      Example 1:

    Input: nums = [1,5,5,4,11], edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[1,3],[3,4]]
    Output: 9
    Explanation: The diagram above shows a way to make a pair of removals.
    - The 1st component has nodes [1,3,4] with values [5,4,11]. Its XOR value is 5 ^ 4 ^ 11 = 10.
    - The 2nd component has node [0] with value [1]. Its XOR value is 1 = 1.
    - The 3rd component has node [2] with value [5]. Its XOR value is 5 = 5.
    The score is the difference between the largest and smallest XOR value which is 10 - 1 = 9.
    It can be shown that no other pair of removals will obtain a smaller score than 9.

    Example 2:

    Input: nums = [5,5,2,4,4,2], edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[5,2],[4,3],[1,3]]
    Output: 0
    Explanation: The diagram above shows a way to make a pair of removals.
    - The 1st component has nodes [3,4] with values [4,4]. Its XOR value is 4 ^ 4 = 0.
    - The 2nd component has nodes [1,0] with values [5,5]. Its XOR value is 5 ^ 5 = 0.
    - The 3rd component has nodes [2,5] with values [2,2]. Its XOR value is 2 ^ 2 = 0.
    The score is the difference between the largest and smallest XOR value which is 0 - 0 = 0.
    We cannot obtain a smaller score than 0.



    class Solution {
        private int ans = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // function to travel 2nd time on the tree and find the second edge to be removed
        private int helper(
                int src, ArrayList<Integer>[] graph, int[] arr, int par, int block, int xor1, int tot) {
            // Setting the value for the current subtree's XOR value
            int myXOR = arr[src];
            for (int nbr : graph[src]) {
                // If the current nbr is niether the parent of this node nor the blocked node  , then
                // only we'll proceed
                if (nbr != par && nbr != block) {
                    int nbrXOR = helper(nbr, graph, arr, src, block, xor1, tot);
                    // 'src <----> nbr' is the second edge to be removed
                    // Getting the XOR value of the current neighbor
                    int xor2 = nbrXOR;
                    // The XOR of the remaining component
                    int xor3 = (tot ^ xor1) ^ xor2;
                    // Getting the minimum of the three values
                    int max = Math.max(xor1, Math.max(xor2, xor3));
                    // Getting the maximum of the three value
                    int min = Math.min(xor1, Math.min(xor2, xor3));
                    ans = Math.min(ans, max - min);
                    // Including the neighbour subtree's XOR value in the XOR value of the subtree
                    // rooted at src node
                    myXOR ^= nbrXOR;
            // Returing the XOR value of the current subtree rooted at the src node
            return myXOR;
        // function to travel 1st time on the tree and find the first edge to be removed and
        // then block the node at which the edge ends to avoid selecting the same node again
        private int dfs(int src, ArrayList<Integer>[] graph, int[] arr, int par, int tot) {
            // Setting the value for the current subtree's XOR value
            int myXOR = arr[src];
            for (int nbr : graph[src]) {
                // If the current nbr is not the parent of this node, then only we'll proceed
                if (nbr != par) {
                    // After selecting 'src <----> nbr' as the first edge, we block 'nbr' node and then
                    // make a call to try all the second edges
                    int nbrXOR = dfs(nbr, graph, arr, src, tot);
                    // Calling the helper to find the try all the second edges after blocking the
                    // current node
                    helper(0, graph, arr, -1, nbr, nbrXOR, tot);
                    // Including the neighbour subtree's XOR value in the XOR value of the subtree
                    // rooted at src node
                    myXOR ^= nbrXOR;
            // Returing the XOR value of the current subtree rooted at the src node
            return myXOR;
        public int minimumScore(int[] arr, int[][] edges) {
            int n = arr.length;
            ArrayList<Integer>[] graph = new ArrayList[n];
            int tot = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                // Initializing the graph and finding the total XOR
                graph[i] = new ArrayList<>();
                tot ^= arr[i];
            for (int[] edge : edges) {
                // adding the edges
                int u = edge[0];
                int v = edge[1];
            ans = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            dfs(0, graph, arr, -1, tot);
            return ans;


