You are given a directed graph of n
nodes numbered from 0
to n - 1
, where each node has at most one outgoing edge.
The graph is represented with a given 0-indexed array edges
of size n
, indicating that there is a directed edge from node i
to node edges[i]
. If there is no outgoing edge from i
, then edges[i] == -1
You are also given two integers node1
and node2
Return **the *index* of the node that can be reached from both node1
and node2
, such that the maximum between the distance from node1
to that node, and from node2
to that node is minimized**. If there are multiple answers, return the node with the *smallest* index, and if no possible answer exists, return -1
Note that edges
may contain cycles.
Example 1:
Input: edges = [2,2,3,-1], node1 = 0, node2 = 1
Output: 2
Explanation: The distance from node 0 to node 2 is 1, and the distance from node 1 to node 2 is 1.
The maximum of those two distances is 1. It can be proven that we cannot get a node with a smaller maximum distance than 1, so we return node 2.
Example 2:
Input: edges = [1,2,-1], node1 = 0, node2 = 2
Output: 2
Explanation: The distance from node 0 to node 2 is 2, and the distance from node 2 to itself is 0.
The maximum of those two distances is 2. It can be proven that we cannot get a node with a smaller maximum distance than 2, so we return node 2.
n == edges.length
2 <= n <= 10^5
-1 <= edges[i] < n
edges[i] != i
0 <= node1, node2 < n
Solution (Java)
class Solution {
public int closestMeetingNode(int[] edges, int node1, int node2) {
final int n = edges.length;
final Integer[] m1 = new Integer[n];
final Integer[] m2 = new Integer[n];
dfs(edges, m1, node1);
dfs(edges, m2, node2);
int index = -1;
int dist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (m1[i] != null && m2[i] != null && dist > Math.max(m1[i], m2[i])) {
dist = Math.max(m1[i], m2[i]);
index = i;
return index;
private void dfs(int[] edges, Integer[] memo, int node) {
int dist = 0;
while (node != -1 && memo[node] == null) {
memo[node] = dist++;
node = edges[node];
- Time complexity : O(n).
- Space complexity : O(n).