1745Palindrome Partitioning IVHard
1751Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended IIHard
1755Closest Subsequence SumHard
1761Minimum Degree of a Connected Trio in a GraphHard
1766Tree of CoprimesHard
1771Maximize Palindrome Length From SubsequencesHard
1776Car Fleet IIHard
1782Count Pairs Of NodesHard
1787Make the XOR of All Segments Equal to ZeroHard
1793Maximum Score of a Good SubarrayHard
1799Maximize Score After N OperationsHard
1803Count Pairs With XOR in a RangeHard
1808Maximize Number of Nice DivisorsHard
1815Maximum Number of Groups Getting Fresh DonutsHard
1819Number of Different Subsequences GCDsHard
1825Finding MK AverageHard
1830Minimum Number of Operations to Make String SortedHard
1835Find XOR Sum of All Pairs Bitwise ANDHard
1840Maximum Building HeightHard
1847Closest RoomHard
1851Minimum Interval to Include Each QueryHard
1857Largest Color Value in a Directed GraphHard
1862Sum of Floored PairsHard
1866Number of Ways to Rearrange Sticks With K Sticks VisibleHard
1872Stone Game VIIIHard
1879Minimum XOR Sum of Two ArraysHard
1883Minimum Skips to Arrive at Meeting On TimeHard
1889Minimum Space Wasted From PackagingHard
1896Minimum Cost to Change the Final Value of ExpressionHard
1900The Earliest and Latest Rounds Where Players CompeteHard