1043Partition Array for Maximum SumMedium
1048Longest String ChainMedium
1049Last Stone Weight IIMedium
1092Shortest Common SupersequenceHard
1105Filling Bookcase ShelvesMedium
1125Smallest Sufficient TeamHard
1130Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf ValuesMedium
1137N-th Tribonacci NumberEasy
1139Largest 1-Bordered SquareMedium
1140Stone Game IIMedium
1143Longest Common SubsequenceMedium
1155Number of Dice Rolls With Target SumMedium
1162As Far from Land as PossibleMedium
1186Maximum Subarray Sum with One DeletionMedium
1187Make Array Strictly IncreasingHard
1191K-Concatenation Maximum SumMedium
1218Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given DifferenceMedium
1223Dice Roll SimulationHard
1227Airplane Seat Assignment ProbabilityMedium
1235Maximum Profit in Job SchedulingHard
1240Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest SquaresHard
1251Longest Chunked Palindrome DecompositionHard
1255Maximum Score Words Formed by LettersHard
1262Greatest Sum Divisible by ThreeMedium
1269Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some StepsHard
1277Count Square Submatrices with All OnesMedium
1278Palindrome Partitioning IIIHard
1289Minimum Falling Path Sum IIHard
1301Number of Paths with Max ScoreHard
1312Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String PalindromeHard