1043 | Partition Array for Maximum Sum | Medium |
1048 | Longest String Chain | Medium |
1049 | Last Stone Weight II | Medium |
1092 | Shortest Common Supersequence | Hard |
1105 | Filling Bookcase Shelves | Medium |
1125 | Smallest Sufficient Team | Hard |
1130 | Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values | Medium |
1137 | N-th Tribonacci Number | Easy |
1139 | Largest 1-Bordered Square | Medium |
1140 | Stone Game II | Medium |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | Medium |
1155 | Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum | Medium |
1162 | As Far from Land as Possible | Medium |
1186 | Maximum Subarray Sum with One Deletion | Medium |
1187 | Make Array Strictly Increasing | Hard |
1191 | K-Concatenation Maximum Sum | Medium |
1218 | Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference | Medium |
1223 | Dice Roll Simulation | Hard |
1227 | Airplane Seat Assignment Probability | Medium |
1235 | Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling | Hard |
1240 | Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares | Hard |
1251 | Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition | Hard |
1255 | Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters | Hard |
1262 | Greatest Sum Divisible by Three | Medium |
1269 | Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps | Hard |
1277 | Count Square Submatrices with All Ones | Medium |
1278 | Palindrome Partitioning III | Hard |
1289 | Minimum Falling Path Sum II | Hard |
1301 | Number of Paths with Max Score | Hard |
1312 | Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome | Hard |