2713Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a MatrixHard
2719Count of IntegersHard
2741Special PermutationsMedium
2742Painting the WallsHard
2746Decremental String ConcatenationMedium
2750Ways to Split Array Into Good SubarraysMedium
2767Partition String Into Minimum Beautiful SubstringsMedium
2770Maximum Number of Jumps to Reach the Last IndexMedium
2771Longest Non-decreasing Subarray From Two ArraysMedium
2786Visit Array Positions to Maximize ScoreMedium
2787Ways to Express an Integer as Sum of PowersMedium
2791Count Paths That Can Form a Palindrome in a TreeHard
2801Count Stepping Numbers in RangeHard
2809Minimum Time to Make Array Sum At Most xHard
2811Check if it is Possible to Split ArrayMedium
2826Sorting Three GroupsMedium
2827Number of Beautiful Integers in the RangeHard
2830Maximize the Profit as the SalesmanMedium
2836Maximize Value of Function in a Ball Passing GameHard