1282Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong ToMedium
1283Find the Smallest Divisor Given a ThresholdMedium
1286Iterator for CombinationMedium
1288Remove Covered IntervalsMedium
1291Sequential DigitsMedium
1292Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to ThresholdMedium
1296Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive NumbersMedium
1297Maximum Number of Occurrences of a SubstringMedium
1300Sum of Mutated Array Closest to TargetMedium
1302Deepest Leaves SumMedium
1305All Elements in Two Binary Search TreesMedium
1306Jump Game IIIMedium
1310XOR Queries of a SubarrayMedium
1311Get Watched Videos by Your FriendsMedium
1314Matrix Block SumMedium
1315Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued GrandparentMedium
1318Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to cMedium
1319Number of Operations to Make Network ConnectedMedium
1324Print Words VerticallyMedium
1325Delete Leaves With a Given ValueMedium
1328Break a PalindromeMedium
1329Sort the Matrix DiagonallyMedium
1333Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and DistanceMedium
1334Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold DistanceMedium
1338Reduce Array Size to The HalfMedium
1339Maximum Product of Splitted Binary TreeMedium
1343Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to ThresholdMedium
1344Angle Between Hands of a ClockMedium
1347Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings AnagramMedium
1348Tweet Counts Per FrequencyMedium