1338. Reduce Array Size to The Half

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    You are given an integer array arr. You can choose a set of integers and remove all the occurrences of these integers in the array.

    Return **the minimum size of the set so that *at least* half of the integers of the array are removed**.

      Example 1:

    Input: arr = [3,3,3,3,5,5,5,2,2,7]
    Output: 2
    Explanation: Choosing {3,7} will make the new array [5,5,5,2,2] which has size 5 (i.e equal to half of the size of the old array).
    Possible sets of size 2 are {3,5},{3,2},{5,2}.
    Choosing set {2,7} is not possible as it will make the new array [3,3,3,3,5,5,5] which has a size greater than half of the size of the old array.

    Example 2:

    Input: arr = [7,7,7,7,7,7]
    Output: 1
    Explanation: The only possible set you can choose is {7}. This will make the new array empty.



     * @param {number[]} arr
     * @return {number}
    var minSetSize = function(arr) {
      const n = arr.length
      const occurrences = arr.reduce(
        (acc, el) => acc.set(el, (acc.get(el) || 0) + 1),
        new Map()
      const pairsSortedByOccurencesDesc = [...occurrences.entries()].sort(
        ([_, occurrenceA], [__, occurrenceB]) => occurrenceA - occurrenceB
      let i = n
      let setRemovedLength = 0
      while (i > Math.floor(n / 2)) {
        i -= pairsSortedByOccurencesDesc.pop()[1]
      return setRemovedLength


