1019Next Greater Node In Linked ListMedium
1021Remove Outermost ParenthesesEasy
1047Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In StringEasy
1081Smallest Subsequence of Distinct CharactersMedium
1096Brace Expansion IIHard
1106Parsing A Boolean ExpressionHard
1111Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses StringsMedium
1124Longest Well-Performing IntervalMedium
1130Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf ValuesMedium
1172Dinner Plate StacksHard
1190Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of ParenthesesMedium
1209Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String IIMedium
1249Minimum Remove to Make Valid ParenthesesMedium
1381Design a Stack With Increment OperationMedium
1441Build an Array With Stack OperationsMedium
1472Design Browser HistoryMedium
1475Final Prices With a Special Discount in a ShopEasy
1504Count Submatrices With All OnesMedium
1526Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target ArrayHard
1541Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses StringMedium
1544Make The String GreatEasy
1574Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array SortedMedium
1598Crawler Log FolderEasy
1614Maximum Nesting Depth of the ParenthesesEasy
1653Minimum Deletions to Make String BalancedMedium
1673Find the Most Competitive SubsequenceMedium
1700Number of Students Unable to Eat LunchEasy
1717Maximum Score From Removing SubstringsMedium
1776Car Fleet IIHard
1793Maximum Score of a Good SubarrayHard