1491Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum SalaryEasy
1498Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum ConditionMedium
1502Can Make Arithmetic Progression From SequenceEasy
1508Range Sum of Sorted Subarray SumsMedium
1509Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three MovesMedium
1552Magnetic Force Between Two BallsMedium
1561Maximum Number of Coins You Can GetMedium
1585Check If String Is Transformable With Substring Sort OperationsHard
1589Maximum Sum Obtained of Any PermutationMedium
1604Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour PeriodMedium
1608Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal XEasy
1610Maximum Number of Visible PointsHard
1619Mean of Array After Removing Some ElementsEasy
1626Best Team With No ConflictsMedium
1630Arithmetic SubarraysMedium
1636Sort Array by Increasing FrequencyEasy
1637Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No PointsMedium
1647Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies UniqueMedium
1648Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored BallsMedium
1657Determine if Two Strings Are CloseMedium
1665Minimum Initial Energy to Finish TasksHard
1679Max Number of K-Sum PairsMedium
1686Stone Game VIMedium
1691Maximum Height by Stacking CuboidsHard
1697Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited PathsHard
1710Maximum Units on a TruckEasy
1727Largest Submatrix With RearrangementsMedium
1818Minimum Absolute Sum DifferenceMedium
1833Maximum Ice Cream BarsMedium
1834Single-Threaded CPUMedium