1296Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive NumbersMedium
1300Sum of Mutated Array Closest to TargetMedium
1305All Elements in Two Binary Search TreesMedium
1311Get Watched Videos by Your FriendsMedium
1329Sort the Matrix DiagonallyMedium
1331Rank Transform of an ArrayEasy
1333Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and DistanceMedium
1338Reduce Array Size to The HalfMedium
1340Jump Game VHard
1346Check If N and Its Double ExistEasy
1348Tweet Counts Per FrequencyMedium
1356Sort Integers by The Number of 1 BitsEasy
1365How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current NumberEasy
1366Rank Teams by VotesMedium
1383Maximum Performance of a TeamHard
1385Find the Distance Value Between Two ArraysEasy
1387Sort Integers by The Power ValueMedium
1402Reducing DishesHard
1403Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing OrderEasy
1418Display Table of Food Orders in a RestaurantMedium
1424Diagonal Traverse IIMedium
1433Check If a String Can Break Another StringMedium
1451Rearrange Words in a SentenceMedium
1460Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arraysEasy
1464Maximum Product of Two Elements in an ArrayEasy
1465Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical CutsMedium
1471The k Strongest Values in an ArrayMedium
1478Allocate MailboxesHard
1481Least Number of Unique Integers after K RemovalsMedium
1489Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning TreeHard