2136Earliest Possible Day of Full BloomHard
2141Maximum Running Time of N ComputersHard
2144Minimum Cost of Buying Candies With DiscountEasy
2146K Highest Ranked Items Within a Price RangeMedium
2148Count Elements With Strictly Smaller and Greater ElementsEasy
2154Keep Multiplying Found Values by TwoEasy
2160Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting DigitsEasy
2164Sort Even and Odd Indices IndependentlyEasy
2165Smallest Value of the Rearranged NumberMedium
2171Removing Minimum Number of Magic BeansMedium
2191Sort the Jumbled NumbersMedium
2195Append K Integers With Minimal SumMedium
2225Find Players With Zero or One LossesMedium
2231Largest Number After Digit Swaps by ParityEasy
2234Maximum Total Beauty of the GardensHard
2242Maximum Score of a Node SequenceHard
2250Count Number of Rectangles Containing Each PointMedium
2251Number of Flowers in Full BloomHard
2271Maximum White Tiles Covered by a CarpetMedium
2273Find Resultant Array After Removing AnagramsEasy
2274Maximum Consecutive Floors Without Special FloorsMedium
2279Maximum Bags With Full Capacity of RocksMedium
2280Minimum Lines to Represent a Line ChartMedium
2285Maximum Total Importance of RoadsMedium
2294Partition Array Such That Maximum Difference Is KMedium
2300Successful Pairs of Spells and PotionsMedium
2332The Latest Time to Catch a BusMedium
2333Minimum Sum of Squared DifferenceMedium
2342Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of DigitsMedium
2344Minimum Deletions to Make Array DivisibleHard