1293Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles EliminationHard
1296Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive NumbersMedium
1297Maximum Number of Occurrences of a SubstringMedium
1298Maximum Candies You Can Get from BoxesHard
1299Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right SideEasy
1300Sum of Mutated Array Closest to TargetMedium
1301Number of Paths with Max ScoreHard
1302Deepest Leaves SumMedium
1304Find N Unique Integers Sum up to ZeroEasy
1305All Elements in Two Binary Search TreesMedium
1306Jump Game IIIMedium
1307Verbal Arithmetic PuzzleHard
1309Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer MappingEasy
1310XOR Queries of a SubarrayMedium
1311Get Watched Videos by Your FriendsMedium
1312Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String PalindromeHard
1313Decompress Run-Length Encoded ListEasy
1314Matrix Block SumMedium
1315Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued GrandparentMedium
1316Distinct Echo SubstringsHard
1317Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero IntegersEasy
1318Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to cMedium
1319Number of Operations to Make Network ConnectedMedium
1320Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two FingersHard
1323Maximum 69 NumberEasy
1324Print Words VerticallyMedium
1325Delete Leaves With a Given ValueMedium
1326Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a GardenHard
1328Break a PalindromeMedium
1329Sort the Matrix DiagonallyMedium