2508Add Edges to Make Degrees of All Nodes EvenHard
2509Cycle Length Queries in a TreeHard
2514Count AnagramsHard
2518Number of Great PartitionsHard
2528Maximize the Minimum Powered CityHard
2532Time to Cross a BridgeHard
2538Difference Between Maximum and Minimum Price SumHard
2543Check if Point Is ReachableHard
2547Minimum Cost to Split an ArrayHard
2551Put Marbles in BagsHard
2552Count Increasing QuadrupletsHard
2561Rearranging FruitsHard
2565Subsequence With the Minimum ScoreHard
2569Handling Sum Queries After UpdateHard
2573Find the String with LCPHard
2577Minimum Time to Visit a Cell In a GridHard
2581Count Number of Possible Root NodesHard
2584Split the Array to Make Coprime ProductsHard
2585Number of Ways to Earn PointsHard
2589Minimum Time to Complete All TasksHard
2603Collect Coins in a TreeHard
2608Shortest Cycle in a GraphHard
2612Minimum Reverse OperationsHard
2617Minimum Number of Visited Cells in a GridHard
2630Memoize IIHard
2642Design Graph With Shortest Path CalculatorHard
2646Minimize the Total Price of the TripsHard
2650Design Cancellable FunctionHard
2659Make Array EmptyHard
2663Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful StringHard