2612. Minimum Reverse Operations

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    You are given an integer n and an integer p in the range [0, n - 1]. Representing a 0-indexed array arr of length n where all positions are set to 0's, except position p which is set to 1.

    You are also given an integer array banned containing some positions from the array. For the i**th** position in banned, arr[banned[i]] = 0, and banned[i] != p.

    You can perform multiple operations on arr. In an operation, you can choose a subarray with size k and reverse the subarray. However, the 1 in arr should never go to any of the positions in banned. In other words, after each operation arr[banned[i]] remains 0.

    Return an array ans where** for each i from **[0, n - 1], ans[i] *is the minimum number of reverse operations needed to bring the* 1 to position i** in arr**, *or* -1 **if it is impossible**.

    Example 1:

    Input: n = 4, p = 0, banned = [1,2], k = 4
    Output: [0,-1,-1,1]
    Explanation: In this case k = 4 so there is only one possible reverse operation we can perform, which is reversing the whole array. Initially, 1 is placed at position 0 so the amount of operations we need for position 0 is 0. We can never place a 1 on the banned positions, so the answer for positions 1 and 2 is -1. Finally, with one reverse operation we can bring the 1 to index 3, so the answer for position 3 is 1.

    Example 2:

    Input: n = 5, p = 0, banned = [2,4], k = 3
    Output: [0,-1,-1,-1,-1]
    Explanation: In this case the 1 is initially at position 0, so the answer for that position is 0. We can perform reverse operations of size 3. The 1 is currently located at position 0, so we need to reverse the subarray [0, 2] for it to leave that position, but reversing that subarray makes position 2 have a 1, which shouldn't happen. So, we can't move the 1 from position 0, making the result for all the other positions -1.

    Example 3:

    Input: n = 4, p = 2, banned = [0,1,3], k = 1
    Output: [-1,-1,0,-1]
    Explanation: In this case we can only perform reverse operations of size 1. So the 1 never changes its position.


    Solution (Java)

    class Solution {
        public int[] minReverseOperations(int n, int p, int[] banned, int k) {
            TreeSet<Integer> even = new TreeSet<>();
            TreeSet<Integer> odd = new TreeSet<>();
            TreeSet<Integer> set;
            boolean [] skip = new boolean [n];
            for (int num : banned) {
                skip[num] = true;
            int start = p;
            // Add values to the set that are not banned
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                if (skip[i] || i == p)
                if (i % 2 == 1)
            int [] result = new int [n];
            Arrays.fill(result, -1);
            Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
            int size;
            int current;
            int moves = 0;
            int min, max;
            Integer key;
            int mCurrent;
            while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                size = queue.size();
                while (size-- > 0) {
                    current = queue.remove();
                    result[current] = moves;
                    // calculate min index
                    if (current < k - 1) {
                        min = (k - 1) - current;
                    }else {
                        min = current - k + 1;
                    // calculate max index
                    mCurrent = (n - 1) - current;
                    if (mCurrent < k - 1) {
                        max = (k - 1) - mCurrent;
                    }else {
                        max = mCurrent - k + 1;
                    max = (n - 1) - max;
                    // chose the correct parity set
                    set = min % 2 == 0 ? even : odd;
                    key = set.ceiling(min);
                    // add all values in range to the queue and remove from set
                    while (key != null && key <= max) {
                        key = set.ceiling(min);
            return result;


